Thursday, January 22, 2009

Good Idea Lindsey

The other day in class, we read poems to each other to sort of get to know who everyone is and what kind of background they come from. I thought this was a neat way to get to know all of the diversity in our classroom, although it may not be physically visible in most of us. It is neat to see that even though some of us may look the same on the outside, we all come from such significantly different backgrounds and life experiences. The statement "don't judge a book by its cover" is definitely ringing true.

I saw that Lindsay introduced herself on her blog by providing everyone with her Autobiographical poem. I thought this was a really good idea, so I am going to do the same thing.

I am from home is where the heart is, from unconditional love, and standing beside my soldier—no matter the price.
I am from the dreaded phone call, days spent packing, and humvees rolling down the road.
I am from the paper chain countdowns, the love filled boxes every other week, and the postman knowing me by name.
I am from his dirty boots on the floor make it home, and sleeping with the telephone, from what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger and each day we’re apart is another day closer to the next time we are.
I am from the online support groups and striving to find someone, anyone who understands.
From “I’m sorry, that’s all I can tell you” and “I don’t know when I’ll be home”.
I am from kneeling by my bed every night to pray for his safe return. That’s all I can ask.
I'm from sleeping with his pillow, and pretending he’s right there next to me all along, from making new friends and having to move away.
From “I’m just doing my job”, the weeks without hearing his voice, and the day I hear “he’s coming home.”
I am from long nights away, from “I love you” written on dirty paper and staying up all night long.

If you haven't been able to guess from the poem, I am married to a US Soldier. He is currently overseas at an "undisclosed location" and will be there until an "undisclosed date". This is a lot of who I am and who I identify with now. It's very emotional for me, and I really appreciate everyone in class letting me get through the poem on the verge of tears the entire time. It means something, although most of you have never been through something like this, a few of you might know a little bit of what it feels like--thank you!

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